British Salt, the UK's leading manufacturer of pure dried vacuum salt products, approached Sofis partner Avenium to help solve a problem with their manual valve operations. The problem The facility... read more →
Accidents in the process industry are mostly related to procedures that do not occur frequently and at the same time can have catastrophic results when performed incorrectly. 75% of the accidents... read more →
Mechanical valve interlocks guarantee strict adherence to procedure and thus avoid human error. They are particularly useful for operations that are generally recognized as highly dangerous, such as pigging. Valve interlocks... read more →
In the process industry, awareness of the valve status is essential to avoid injury and equipment damage. A market research conducted by Sofis reveals that many companies apply self-made or... read more →
Self-made solutions for valve position indicators are often used to determine the open and closed position of a manual multi rotation valve. What are the main problems that customers experience... read more →
Mounting a single valve interlock is relatively easy from a technical point of view. However, when installing large quantities of interlocking systems for a single project, the execution of such... read more →
Sofis is part of the 'Process Safety' division of Halma Plc, an FTSE 100 company, which is an organization with 50 companies and 5,000 employees worldwide. Sofis is based in... read more →
To meet increasingly strict customer requirements, terminals are upgrading their operations. However, most terminals rely on slow, error-prone manual valve operations. These days, manual operations can be significantly accelerated and... read more →
A tank terminal’s revenue partially depends on its speed of transferring product from and to its storage tanks. The more efficient this transfer process, the more throughput the terminal realises,... read more →
Engineering staff of Sofis partners Ibemo and Kios are about to conduct a full inspection of all 634 interlocks, installed on the Chinarevskoye field in Kazachstan, one of the main... read more →