A petroleum industry company based in Southern Europe recently decided to install Sofis VPI position indicators on 13 manual-operated valves, as part of a modernization process of their tanker loading facility. By installing VPI position indicators, the company strives to avoid human error, and damage to mechanical devices such as pumps. More importantly, it aims to prevent the loading of wrong products, and the environmental impact, as a direct effect of incorrect loading.
One of Europe’s most modern facilities
The company is considered one of Europe’s most modern refineries. The facility can process crude oils of various characteristics and produce a wide range of products, serving companies locally and abroad. The technical sophistication of the refinery allows the refinery to manufacture products with high added value, adjusting the final product mix to market needs, ensuring better distribution prices, and achieving better refining margins than other composite refineries in the region.
LEDs for visual position indication
The refinery specifically opted for the EXd, high-performance AISI316 version of the Sofis VPI position indicator, making it suitable for harsh, offshore, and corrosive environments. LED indicators on the VPI provide in-field position signals, allowing operators to check valve positions while standing next to the valve. The LEDs indicate which position the VPI is signaling to the control room.
Connection to PLC
Installation of the VPI position indicators has been carried out by Sofis’ partner Solidus Assyst, who also provided all valve measurements, and advised the company to connect the VPI position indicators to a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). This way, the VPI is crucial in controlling, monitoring, and optimizing loading operations.
Reduced insurance costs
By installing VPI position indicators, the facility has successfully created an extra layer of protection, guaranteeing the correct loading of products at all times. All operations are now being recorded, ensuring compliance with the law and achieving continuous performance improvement. As a result of using VPI position indicators, the company’s insurance costs have also significantly been reduced.
Local support
The refinery is particularly positive about its cooperation with Sofis partner Solidus Assyst. Being in the nearby region of the facilities, Solidus Assyst is better able to provide local support and technical advice. This way, a customized solution can be offered to closely fit the specific loading and offloading applications of the refinery. As a direct result, the refinery has also opted for the Sofis Power Wrench portable actuator, to limit the time spent on manual valve operations. This pneumatic valve wrench with universal coupling plates, helps the company to reduce effort and improve efficiency during manual loading and offloading operations.